Yoga with Yaisa

🌓 Yin & Ashtanga Yoga (online)
with Yaisa Nio


March 9 (Thursday)
at 7:00 (GMT+10:30)

Class length
90 minutes


You are booking a spot for the online class.

Join between 7.00 am - 7.30 am.
Leave anytime after 8.15 am.

This 90-minute class runs from 7.00 am to 8.30 am. It starts with a 30-minute guided Yin practice followed by 45 minutes of Ashtanga Yoga (Surya Namaskara A & B + Standing Sequence), ending with 15 minutes of pranayama and savasana.

HOWEVER, you can join anytime between 7.00 - 7.30 am, quietly joining the Yin practice if we have already started or doing your own stretches to prepare for the Ashtanga practice which starts at 7.30 am.

Once we finish the Ashtanga practice at around 8.15 am, you are welcome to do you own savasana before quietly slipping out while the remaining students are guided through pranayama & meditation.

For more info on what Yin and Ashtanga Yoga are like, please click here.

This class is a great option for:
- students who can't choose and want the best of both worlds: Yin & Yang 
- the early risers who need to get to work: you can be done by 8.15 am
- the not-so-early birds who still want to do a morning practice - you are now officially allowed to arrive late (though before 7.30 am please!)
- the morning yoga lovers who want to get a full 90 minutes of delight: Yin, Ashtanga, meditation, pranayama, the whole lot!


This option is perfect for you if the shala is full or you can't make it in person. 

For Yin, you need a mat, a bolster, a blanket, a block and a belt. For Ashtanga, you only need your mat and optionally a block.

This is an interactive online class that is filmed, recorded and live streamed while a small of amount of students is guided in the shala simultaneously. Students in the shala are off camera (except for the occasional demo-volunteer) and online students do not appear in the recording.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
